Beauty Tips

Beauty tips for today's woman

Fashion Tips

fashion tips for tall women

Skin Care Tips

A healthy skin, soft and without imperfections, is the dream that many want to achieve for our face.

Tips for combining clothes well

When we talk about clothes we apply a valid slogan for many other fields: "it's not about quantity, but about quality". To have some basics to turn to and from them create new looks.

Fashion for women

Standing upright with a lot of confidence and believing in yourself are important aspects so that you feel good about yourself

Monday, January 15, 2018

7 beauty tips for today's woman

Today, women are more busy than ever. Getting to everything effectively is just a matter of organization and priorities. However, our beauty care is usually left aside, and you may reach a point where you will find yourself less attractive.

But, quiet, today we are going to review some basic beauty tips. A few simple tips that also do not require too much time for the woman of today, but the time will help you to be beautiful inside and out.

It is very important to be hydrated. Not only does it consist of putting moisturizing cream on your face, (which is also important, do it in the morning and at night), but moisturize inside.

Drink between two and three liters of water a day, so we will eliminate more toxins, preventing them from accumulating on the skin and make it look more aged and tired. In addition, it will help with the oxygenation of the body, so it will delay the appearance of wrinkles.

Try to exercise a couple of times a week. That you do half an hour at least three times a week is enough to start. Another way is to exercise during your day.

Try to walk everywhere, leave the elevator and go up and down the stairs. This will improve your health and your silhouette.

It is essential that you put creams with sunscreen before you start to make up, so we avoid stains and skin aging in advance due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.

And obviously it's fundamental to use it when we go to the beach.

Avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, junk food and soft drinks. These are harmful to both your health and your skin. They have many toxins that are stored in the skin aging it in advance.

The creams that you put on must have sun protection, and in addition to hydrating they must be nutritious and with vitamin C content. Also with the serums that we use.

In addition to your own daily skin cleansing, it is also important that you do some professional facial cleansing at least once a month. This will eliminate dead skin and favor the oxygenation of cells.

Without a doubt, this will allow us to have a beautiful, smooth, luminous and younger skin.

What to wear: tips for combining clothes well

When we talk about clothes we apply a valid slogan for many other fields: "it's not about quantity, but about quality". To have some basics to turn to and from them create new looks. They are the famous basic garments, which make a wardrobe that can measure up to any occasion.

Combining clothes is not an easy task and poses the same challenge for both men and women. Many times, although we have the closet full of clothes we do not know how to play with the clothes, for fear of not combining well or achieving an outdated, out of fashion look. Reading fashion publications, following trends in ads, series, movies ... and applying some basic rules to dress you can create the most appropriate looks.

Basic garments

It is essential to have classic jeans (without being worn or torn), a pair of elegant shoes, another pair more sporting, a black dress pants and a white shirt.

Do not combine prints with each other: if you use a stamped item the other has to be plain. Neither marry striped garments with checkered, or combine two striped garments of different sets because they are different drawings that will not match.


The white clothes can be combined with any color, but it is better to accompany it with strong or dark colors to give strength to the look.

Two dark garments? Better not! Although black goes with everything it does not stick much with brown or blue. If you wear dark, try to make one of the garments a little bit lighter and if not, enhance the ensemble with a colored accessory such as a scarf or necklace.

How to combine colors

The red coat gives strength to the total black look; On the right, the stripes combine perfectly with other plain garments. Brown calls brown from other shades and pastel colors such as rosewood or green tones. The blue house very well with white and gray. It also looks great with dark red.

Colors, fabrics and styles

Although the colors combine well, do not mix heavy winter clothing with light summer materials. The mixture of styles is risky, although it is also true that now hipsters have made it more fashionable than ever. Combining a trouser suit with sports is the most chic, but you have to be careful with the choice.

How to combine fabrics

It is very easy to screw up choosing the color of the socks. Whites are not good for any occasion: you just have to use them if you're going to play sports or if the shoes you wear are white. Other men think that in order to hit the color of the sock they should combine it with the tone of the shoe. Error! The socks always have to be in accordance with the trousers, not with the shoes.

Tips of beauty that every woman should know

Standing upright with a lot of confidence and believing in yourself are important aspects so that you feel good about yourself. After all, when radiating security you radiate beauty. However, every woman who stands in front of a mirror can say that beauty secrets also count. Take note.

To stay well you do not need the most expensive, or the most complicated, or the most painful. Experts argue that most of us should only pay attention to a few basic beauty secrets that can help you look and feel good without spending a lot of time or money.

Tip # 1: Never underestimate the power of moisturizers

It does not matter if your skin is dry, normal, or oily. You do not have to invest in many creams, with just one product that is good you can have a dream skin.

"Sometimes all you need is a good moisturizer and a mild cleanser to take years off your face," says Rhoda Narins, MD, professor at the University of New York and president of the American Society of Dermatological Surgery. 'When the skin is dry, each wrinkle is accentuated, making you look older'.

If you're in your 20s or 30s, doctors say, moisturizers will give you the protection you need to prevent premature aging, says Park Avenue plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, MD.

But then, what is a 'good' moisturizer for you? Dermatologist Carlos E. Crutch field III, MD, says: 'It is a product that adds moisture and seals what it has achieved, allowing the skin to produce more moisture.' What you need is to see what cream you should choose according to the individual needs of your skin.

If the skin goes from normal to dry, look for moisturizers that contain alpha hydroxides. They help the skin produce more moisture on its own, says Crutchfield, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine.

If the skin is very dry, products that use a technology called vesicular emulsion are suggested. "This technology uses microscopic spheres that constitute layers that alternate moisture and water, obtaining continuous hydration," says Crutchfield.

If the skin is oily, look for a soft and light moisturizer. 'Fat is not moisture; so you have excess fat you still need to moisten. '

If this month did not reach you for that moisturizer, here we leave you a series of natural masks that will help you maintain the divine skin with elements that you probably have at home

Tip # 2: Sunscreen is the best Anti-aging product.

Before seeing a plastic surgeon, before spending half the salary on anti-aging creams, put on sunscreen. We all know that sunscreen reduces the risk of skin cancer, but do you also know that it is an amazing beauty secret that helps maintain a youthful skin? People who get very exposed to the sun cringe long before their time.

Without the protection of the sunscreen, if you expose your skin (even if only for a couple of minutes) every day in the sun (and not necessarily a sunny day, as UV rays pass through these gray clouds), in a short time you will see changes remarkable in the skin, says the American Academy of Dermatology.

'Not only will more wrinkles and lines appear, but also spots and veins'. The skin becomes rough and loose, all thanks to the sun. Crutchfield advises choosing a sunscreen with SPF 15 or more. Apply every hour or two, and use regular sunscreen before putting on makeup.

In fact, this is one of the beauty tips of the legendary beauty Marilyn Monroe, know all the rest here.

Tip # 3: Choose your cleaner wisely.

If what you use daily to clean your face is soap and water, you can reconsider your cleaning strategy. Dermatologists say that one of the best beauty tips is to use a mild cleanser and use it sparingly.

Washing your face too often - more than twice a day - can cause you to damage the natural lipid barrier, which is the protective mantle that keeps your skin lubricated to look and feel healthy.

'Once the protection is lost and the impermeability barrier is interrupted, the skin becomes dry'. This, in addition to making you look old, can cause itching, burning and stinging, says Crutch field. Wash your skin no more than twice a day and choose your cleanser wisely.

And periodically use an exfoliate to remove the dead cells that dull your skin. Here we leave you the favorite recipe of our editor, based on coconut oil, natural and delicious.


The beauty tips for the face will allow you to look young, soft, silky skin, without imperfections and with lots of light in a simple way making use of natural remedies.
And there are many beauty tips for the face that can be made using the ingredients that we store in our own pantry and that come from nature.
In this section dedicated to beauty tricks for the face you will have the opportunity to find home remedies ranging from recipes to eliminate acne to formulas to eliminate black spots through homemade masks ideal for all skin types. And all using natural ingredients, cheap and very easy to find.

And there is nothing like using the ingredients present in nature to take care of both inside and outside, some of the most beneficial substances for health and beauty that do not include any type of chemical element and are perfect to enhance the Beauty of the face of men and women.

What are you waiting to start using the home remedies for the face present in this section? Do not doubt that you will love them and that they will allow you to be beautiful at any time and whatever your age or skin type, as they adapt perfectly to all the complexions.

In addition, beauty tips for the face are fantastic for people who have allergies to certain chemical agents, as they are composed of assets from nature. That is why they prevent the appearance of redness and irritation on the skin and hair.

Get the most out of your skin by using these fantastic beauty tips for the face made with natural assets!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

fashion for women

Women are never too satisfied with our height. If we are low, we dream of growing a few centimeters, or we use heels to achieve it. And if we are tall, we would like to shrink a little so as not to stand out from the others. Therefore, you should know that fashion is a great ally to create the visual effect of more or less height.

Do you overcome the meter seventy? So, these fashion tips come perfect for you, because we'll teach you fashion tips for tall women. In addition to helping you balance your height, giving volume and width to your silhouette, they will give you a unique style. Feel a privileged one, because there are many styles that favor highs :)


You can play with the contrasts and combine different colors, although - if you want to hide your height - opt for light colors for your shirts, shirts, sweaters, etc., and dark colors for your pants, jeans and skirts. Yes or yes, avoid dressing in the same color from head to toe because it generates visual sensation of more height.

The prints are ideal to balance your height. For example, if you do not want to look too tall, and also want to disguise the thinness of your legs, wear wide print pants like horizontal stripes. On the other hand, divers or patterned handkerchiefs create the feeling of width.
Loose clothing

While the small ones are favored by tight-fitting garments, tall women look more comfortable in loose-fitting garments. Another trick to give more volume to your tall figure is to superimpose garments, a style that is very fashionable! Play with coats, jackets, vests and handkerchiefs. And put a belt on top to mark your silhouette.

The neck of a shirt incredibly defines your figure. If you are tall, you should avoid the necklines in V.

Do you like tops with collar, pleats, ruffles ...? These will be very good, because they add volume to the area of ​​your shoulders and breasts. Try that your shirts are longer than your pants or skirts, so you give the feeling of less height.


The skirts with boards, flown and balloon style, for example, will look fantastic. Short skirts? If you can; In fact, your long legs will look, but the skirt is not too short because you look even taller.


Remember that if you want to give volume to your legs, you should opt for wide pantaloches. An exclusive style for tall women, for example, are the Arab pants or slippers. Also capris or fishermen are good in the high. If you want to "shorten" your legs, wear jeans with hems on the outside, and avoid tight leggings and jeans.


The long and loose jackets in the trunk area give you more volume, which helps to hide your languor.


As you are tall, you can dispense with high heels, using ballerinas, chatitas and slippers. Obviously, heel you can use but if you are too tall, try not to be needle. To "cut" the visual sensation of height, lean over the colorful shoes.


Belts. You will have great wide belts, of all kinds, because they add width to your figure.
Handbags. You have the perfect body for XL models. That style was created for tall women! If you use handbags, small purses or envelopes you will look taller than you are.
Jewelry. Go for the necklaces and bracelets large, wide, with much adornment. Lean on the earrings, and avoid the pearls.

5 tips to get perfect skin on your face

A healthy skin, soft and without imperfections, is the dream that many want to achieve for our face. Sometimes we spend large amounts of money on beauty treatments that do not always offer us the expected result. Do not worry, we give you simple and cheap remedies for our skin that you will love.

Tips to get a healthy and beautiful skin

As you already know, our skin is also the reflection of our health. A skin without redness, well hydrated and with elasticity is a reflection of a correct diet where we lack the vitamins and minerals. But it is not always easy to achieve that desired skin: the effect of time, the sun, the wind, those hormonal changes that cause us little acne, undoubtedly muddies that balance we all want to look beautiful and healthy skin.

But do not worry, in our space we want to give you simple remedies for that day to day. With this we do not want to tell you at all that you should dispense with your usual creams, it is just an interesting way to complement your treatments in a simple and economical way. Let's go there.

1. Oat and bicarbonate scrub

Indicated to do it once a week, no more, just once. And what do we get with it? A luminous skin, young and without impurities. We managed to clean our skin of dead cells, also activating their circulation. It is an easy remedy free of any chemical agent, an adequate way to treat your skin and to work it to bring out your natural beauty.

How do we prepare it? Very easy. You only need two tablespoons of oats, one of baking soda and a little water. We mix everything well getting a kind of cream. The important thing is that there is a thick paste that we can apply to our skin. Once applied, make a circular massage to exfoliate and remove dead cells, for at least 15 minutes. Then, rinse with warm water. You'll see how good you are!

2. Facial toner with green tea

An excellent remedy to soften and activate our skin. Very suitable to do in the mornings or at night, thus cleansing our skin very well and favoring our circulation. We have only to prepare a cup of green tea, with two bags. Once it has reached boiling and resting, put it a little while in the refrigerator. When it is cold we take a cotton and we have it all over the skin of the face, you will notice an immediate relief and more toned skin.

3. How to eliminate redness

Sometimes we get small spots, redness that appear with the changes of season, with cold or small hormonal changes. Nothing happens, we can solve it with a simple remedy based on honey and rosemary water. These elements are wonderful to reduce inflammation, to treat, cure and regenerate. You only have to make an infusion with three branches of rosemary with half a glass of water. Let it boil and add three tablespoons of honey. When it's still warm - not hot - apply it with a cotton pad or a small compress on your face, letting it work for at least 15 minutes. Then, rinse with water and apply a moisturizer. You will do great.

4. Treatment for blackheads

Who does not have any area of ​​the face with black dots? In the nose above all, it is something normal and something that we always try to fight from very young girls. Well, an ideal way to eliminate them little by little is through a simple treatment based on natural yogurt and lemon. You do not need more than two tablespoons of plain yogurt and one of lemon juice. We make a very homogeneous mixture and apply it in that most critical area. Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water. If you do it every day you will see the results.

5. Remove and relieve small scars on the face

Sometimes, acne leaves us those classic signals that do not go away with time. Wounds that leave scars, imperfections of the skin that we usually disguise with makeup and that bother us so much. How to soften them? What to do so that they disappear little by little? An ideal treatment is rosehip oil. You can easily find it in natural stores and even perfumeries. It is not very expensive and you can find creams like the classic rosehip oil. You only have to be constant and apply with a cotton every day that treatment, performing a small massage to reactivate the circulation and getting the oil well to the epidermis. Day by day and being constant you will notice how the scars diminish.

Remember that these treatments will be effective if we are constant and use them every day. Many of our most expensive creams tend to have these same natural principles, so we can all take advantage of these natural tributes free of chemical agents that our ancestors have used.

7 tips for perfect hair

From today we propose to have perfect hair. Who is registered? I imagine all of them! If we had a magic wand, it would be very easy to make our hair strong, healthy, shiny, silky and hydrated, just like that of the advertising models!

What if I told you that you do not need a magic wand to do it? You just have to read these 7 tips of care. Animate! They are simple tips and the results will surprise you.

# 1 Brush every day

Do you want your hair to grow quickly? Then, you should make friends with the brush. This trick is very easy: to have healthy and cute hair, comb it at least 3 times a day, one of them before going to sleep. This stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp and contributes to healthy growth.

# 2 Rinse with cold water

Record it in your memory: the rinse should be with moderately cold water or, at most, warm. It does not mean that you have to take a cold shower, it is simply the last rinse. Hot water damages the scalp, making the hair look dry and dull. The cold, on the other hand, seals the cuticles, leaving it much brighter and more silky, since it reflects the light better. And, if that were not enough, it also accelerates its growth. Wow!

# 3 Do not abuse the dryer or the iron

Exposure to heat can dry out the hair and make it short and long term, dull and lifeless. That's why it's important not to be addicted to the dryer (a little bit is not denied to anyone). The ideal is to dry it with cold or warm air and in small sections for a short time. That is, do not point the dryer fixedly on the same strand and do not move it. Advice? Attempt to use dryers with ion technology, since they produce less damage.

The same goes for the planchitas: do not use them every day and try that the temperature is moderate, or you could burn (literally) the hair fiber. Before exposing your hair to heat, do not forget to protect it with a serum.

# 4 Discharge of the knots

How annoying are the knots! Not only do our hair look untidy, they also make any hairstyle impossible. A trick to unravel easily? After bathing, put on some cream to comb and disarm the knots with your fingers to avoid breakage.

# 5 Cut the ends every so often

Cutting the ends is not going to make your hair grow faster ... It's a myth! In any case, it is necessary that you do it to grow healthy, and look cuter and more caring.

But if your thing is not to go through the hairdresser, perhaps you should try a special treatment product so that your tips always look beautiful.

# 6 Take care of your hair from external agents

If possible, do not abuse dyes or treatments with chemical products, and opt for some of good quality.

On the other hand, you should also protect your hair from chlorine from the pool and from the sun on the beach. A swimming cap or a hat could be your great allies.

# 7 I followed a balanced diet

To finish the list, it is important that you consider a tip that does not have much to do, or at least not directly, with aesthetic care. However, it is as or more important than them. To have the perfect hair, you have to start from the basics: follow a healthy diet. We should eat lots of vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, dairy products and drink plenty of water.

A healthy diet gives us all the nutrients we need to be well, inside and out.