Today, women are more busy than ever. Getting to everything effectively is just a matter of organization and priorities. However, our beauty care is usually left aside, and you may reach a point where you will find yourself less attractive.
But, quiet, today we are going to review some basic beauty tips. A few simple tips that also do not require too much time for the woman of today, but the time will help you to be beautiful inside and out.
It is very important to be hydrated. Not only does it consist of putting moisturizing cream on your face, (which is also important, do it in the morning and at night), but moisturize inside.
Drink between two and three liters of water a day, so we will eliminate more toxins, preventing them from accumulating on the skin and make it look more aged and tired. In addition, it will help with the oxygenation of the body, so it will delay the appearance of wrinkles.
Try to exercise a couple of times a week. That you do half an hour at least three times a week is enough to start. Another way is to exercise during your day.
Try to walk everywhere, leave the elevator and go up and down the stairs. This will improve your health and your silhouette.
It is essential that you put creams with sunscreen before you start to make up, so we avoid stains and skin aging in advance due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.
And obviously it's fundamental to use it when we go to the beach.
Avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, junk food and soft drinks. These are harmful to both your health and your skin. They have many toxins that are stored in the skin aging it in advance.
The creams that you put on must have sun protection, and in addition to hydrating they must be nutritious and with vitamin C content. Also with the serums that we use.
In addition to your own daily skin cleansing, it is also important that you do some professional facial cleansing at least once a month. This will eliminate dead skin and favor the oxygenation of cells.
Without a doubt, this will allow us to have a beautiful, smooth, luminous and younger skin.
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