Women are never too satisfied with our height. If we are low, we dream of growing a few centimeters, or we use heels to achieve it. And if we are tall, we would like to shrink a little so as not to stand out from the others. Therefore, you should know that fashion is a great ally to create the visual effect of more or less height.
Do you overcome the meter seventy? So, these fashion tips come perfect for you, because we'll teach you fashion tips for tall women. In addition to helping you balance your height, giving volume and width to your silhouette, they will give you a unique style. Feel a privileged one, because there are many styles that favor highs :)
You can play with the contrasts and combine different colors, although - if you want to hide your height - opt for light colors for your shirts, shirts, sweaters, etc., and dark colors for your pants, jeans and skirts. Yes or yes, avoid dressing in the same color from head to toe because it generates visual sensation of more height.
The prints are ideal to balance your height. For example, if you do not want to look too tall, and also want to disguise the thinness of your legs, wear wide print pants like horizontal stripes. On the other hand, divers or patterned handkerchiefs create the feeling of width.
Loose clothing
While the small ones are favored by tight-fitting garments, tall women look more comfortable in loose-fitting garments. Another trick to give more volume to your tall figure is to superimpose garments, a style that is very fashionable! Play with coats, jackets, vests and handkerchiefs. And put a belt on top to mark your silhouette.
The neck of a shirt incredibly defines your figure. If you are tall, you should avoid the necklines in V.
Do you like tops with collar, pleats, ruffles ...? These will be very good, because they add volume to the area of your shoulders and breasts. Try that your shirts are longer than your pants or skirts, so you give the feeling of less height.
The skirts with boards, flown and balloon style, for example, will look fantastic. Short skirts? If you can; In fact, your long legs will look, but the skirt is not too short because you look even taller.
Remember that if you want to give volume to your legs, you should opt for wide pantaloches. An exclusive style for tall women, for example, are the Arab pants or slippers. Also capris or fishermen are good in the high. If you want to "shorten" your legs, wear jeans with hems on the outside, and avoid tight leggings and jeans.
The long and loose jackets in the trunk area give you more volume, which helps to hide your languor.
As you are tall, you can dispense with high heels, using ballerinas, chatitas and slippers. Obviously, heel you can use but if you are too tall, try not to be needle. To "cut" the visual sensation of height, lean over the colorful shoes.
Belts. You will have great wide belts, of all kinds, because they add width to your figure.
Handbags. You have the perfect body for XL models. That style was created for tall women! If you use handbags, small purses or envelopes you will look taller than you are.
Jewelry. Go for the necklaces and bracelets large, wide, with much adornment. Lean on the earrings, and avoid the pearls.
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